Cat Pulls Off Some Amazing Ballet Dance Moves

If there is one thing we know about cats, it’s the fact that they have some awesome moves. They jump, climb and move in ways that most humans would never even think of doing. In fact, they are even rumored to have 9 lives! What you may not know, is that cats can be great dancers as well.

Of course, not every cat is going to have the same skill but for Mirko, it comes naturally. His antics are taking the internet by storm and you will not believe what this Japanese kitty is able to do.

Every time Mirko pounces, he strikes a pose. Fortunately, the cat’s owner has managed to capture those antics and put them online for us to enjoy.

Simply look at these pictures and you will see why Mirko should be the next guest on Dancing with the Stars: Feline Version.


Mirko is a cat of many talents. He is from japan and has some awesome moves.


His graceful moves did not escape the watchful eye of his owner. When you see these pictures, it’s difficult not to be amazed at how he moves.


When Mirko jumps in the air, he looks like a ballet dancer


He twists, bends and leaps and with every move, he is putting on a performance.


It seems as if he is weightless. With his cat abilities, he jumps higher than any human ballet dancer.


Why does Mirko jump so high? This picture should shed some light on it.


All of this effort for a feather toy


Or perhaps he is just showing off his moves?


It doesn’t matter why he is doing it, we just hope he keeps doing it.

Via: Little Things

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