This Hilarious Obituary For A Fireman Should Be The New Standard

There is perhaps no human emotion that is more difficult than what we experience when we lose someone we love. That doesn’t mean, however, that humor ceases to exist during that time. As a matter of fact, they sometimes come together quite nicely and that is the case with this Fireman’s obituary.

If it is true that laughter is the best medicine, this Fireman left behind a legacy that would heal everyone in this family. After you read the obituary, you can’t help but wonder exactly how funny this guy was when he was alive. After all, if he is able to take on the most depressing subject of all and make us laugh, certainly he could make us laugh on a variety of other subjects as well.


It is certain that his family is going to miss him but they have something to remember him by and smile. Perhaps that is the greatest gift that he could’ve given to them and he gives it to all of us, thanks to the Internet.


Via: Distractify

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