15 Amazing Natural Phenomena That Look Too Cool To Be Real (But They Are)

The world around us is a remarkable place and if you take the time to look, you will be astounded by what you see. Various phenomena in nature can take us by surprise and the beauty of it all can be overwhelming.

At times, you may want to look at some of the features of the earth, such as large mountains or deep oceans. These were carved over the course of time and have a beauty all of their own. At other times, there may be something special in store, and that is the case with these pictures.

Mud Storms


This happens when lightning appears in a volcanic eruption


Magic Circles in Namibia


A product of desert termites

Giant’s Causeway


Located in Northern Ireland, this is a result of an ancient volcanic eruption

Lenticular clouds


This is a rare type of cloud formation

Catatumbo Lightning


Appears up to 160 nights per year and 280 strikes per hour

Christmas Island Red Crabs


43 Million land crabs come here to lay their eggs every year

Great Blue Hole


A giant underwater sinkhole located off the coast of Belize. 300m in diameter and 124m deep

Undulatus Asperatus clouds


Also known as “rough wave” clouds, they were just recently classified by the cloud appreciation society

Lake Natron, Tanzania


Fed by hot springs, this saltwater lake looks like a flamingo

Spotted Lake


The worlds greatest reserve of calcium, magnesium sulfate and sodium. Located in Canada

The door to hell, Turkmenistan


From a 1971 fire at a gas mine that hasn’t stopped burning since

Spherical Boulders, New Zealand


Due to erosion of rocks along the shore

Flammable Ice Bubbles


Methane bubbles caught in an ice trap. Abraham Lake, Canada

Frozen flowers


Ice crystals forming when the surface of calm waters starts freezing

Black Sun


Flocks of up to 50,000 starlings

BONUS: Winnie the Pooh Cloud


Seen during a children’s event in Dorset, England.

H/T: Bright Side

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