Team GB Returns From The Olympics But They All Have The Same Bags

Team GB returned from the Olympics quite victorious but they still had another challenge that was waiting for them when they landed at Heathrow. The challenge consisted of finding their luggage. For some reason, someone thought it was a good idea to give all of the athletes the same red bags so trying to figure out whose was whose was an event all of its own.

British gymnast Becky Downie said she was “having lots of fun.” We can only imagine that she was being sarcastic. There were other athletes who chipped in, such as Alex Gregory and Nick Dempsey. You can see the fiasco in the images and story below.

Team GB return from the Olympics to face another challenge.


They needed to learn whose luggage was whose


“Having lots of fun,” wrote British gymnast Becky Downie in a video she uploaded to Twitter. “Spot your bag”

All of the bags for the team were exactly the same


Finding your own bag was almost its own event


The team won a record number of the medals at the Rio Olympics but they didn’t think out the color of the bags very well


Via: Bored Panda

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