His Daughter Took Her Own Life And He Used Her Obituary To Make A Statement About Mental Health

One of the most devastating things that a parent can face is the death of their child. When Kathleen Schoener died by suicide, her father grieved but he also took the opportunity to present a powerful obituary in the local paper. Not only did it make a statement for those in the local area, it is making a statement worldwide as well.

The obituary for Katie was published in the Scranton Times and he wrote about his daughter’s accomplishments and pushed back against the idea that people who have mental illnesses should be defined by the illnesses they bear.

His daughter was 29 and she fought bipolar disorder since 2005. She finally lost her battle to bipolar disorder to suicide. He went on to explain what Katie’s illness is not and what she should be known for.

So often people who have a mental illness are known as their illness. People say that “she is bipolar” or “he is schizophrenic.” Over the coming days as you talk to people about this, please do not use that phrase. People who have cancer are not cancer, those with diabetes are not diabetes. Katie was not bipolar – she had an illness called bipolar disorder – Katie herself was a beautiful child of God. The way we talk about people and their illnesses affects the people themselves and how we treat the illness. In the case of mental illness there is so much fear, ignorance and hurtful attitudes that the people who suffer from mental illness needlessly suffer further. Our society does not provide the resources that are needed to adequately understand and treat mental illness. In Katie’s case, she had the best medical care available, she always took the cocktail of medicines that she was prescribed and she did her best to be healthy and manage this illness – and yet – that was not enough. Someday a cure will be found, but until then, we need to support and be compassionate to those with mental illness, every bit as much as we support those who suffer from cancer, heart disease or any other illness.

He hopes that sharing Katie’s story and addressing the mental illness will help to alleviate the suffering of others who also have mental illnesses.

“God will use this death to help others come out of the shadows. To help people to find a way to talk to each other about this illness,” Shoener told the Washington Post. “Katie was not bipolar. She was a wonderful girl who had bipolar disorder.”

Via: Mic

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