Good News For The Giant Panda: They Are No Longer Listed As An Endangered Species

We are frequently bombarded with the negative environmental news, such as global warming and the disappearance of the rain forests. From time to time, however, there is something positive that comes out of the environmental news as well.

This good news comes due to the conservation efforts of hundreds of thousands of animal lovers worldwide. They were attempting to save an iconic species from extinction and it looks as if they are on the right track.

The giant panda, who has been an endangered species for quite some time, has now been reclassified as being “vulnerable”. That is a huge step forward for this wonderful animal.

Giant pandas were thought to have been endangered because they can choose partners and they are selective in their mates. It seems as if the ones who have been born recently are quite desirable.

In the wild, there are 1864 adults. It is thought, however, that there are more than 2000 when you also count the cubs.

There are still plenty of animals who could use some assistance, such as the Eastern gorilla. They have been placed on the endangered species list because of extensive hunting that reduced their population below 5000.

Via: The Lad Bible

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