A Gentle Tomcat Visits Elderly Veterans Who Need Support And Comforts Them

When people are going through a difficult time and are ill, something that may be able to help them to overcome their illness is curling up with a loving animal. This is not only speculation, there is research to suggest that it is absolutely true.

Of course, as pet owners, we realise the benefits that they provide and healthcare centers are now beginning to recognise the benefits as well. For this one particular health center, they have partnered up with a local animal shelter to find the perfect pet for veterans who are sick.

The animal that they found who makes everyone in the hospital a little happier is Tom, the cat.

You can learn more about this amazing animal through pictures below.


Animals seem to be able to heal the human body when they are sick. There is nothing better than having a fur friend curl up next to you when you are not feeling well.

That is why a medical center is very happy to have Tom the tomcat around.


Chief nurse Dottie Rizzo and physician assistant Laura Hart read the book “Making Rounds with Oscar,” in 2012. It talks about a real-life cat that comforted patients with dementia and he seemed to be able to tell when they were going to pass away.

They decided they also needed a cat just like that one and got help from a local veterinarian to find the perfect feline.


Tom turned out to be the perfect cat. He is loving and gentle, moves from room to room and cuddles up with patients when they need him most.

“Tom knows when someone is having a hard time. He laid on my bed a lot and I rubbed and scratched him the way cats like,”

“One day I gave him some of my Ensure vanilla drink and he drank every bit of it. Then he rubbed on me and licked my hands.”


Tom is there for the patient and makes the environment a little happier with his purrs. He even comforts the staff when they have to deal with death and at times, he has shown up to meow for the doctor after someone passes away.


some people don’t care much for cats but he even managed to warm their heart as well.

There is also an area of the hospital where the cat is not allowed. He usually ends up making friends with hospital goers, whether or not they are cat people.


Tom is also help some veterans who have certain problems due to age or disease. A person with Parkinson’s disease was able to speak more clearly when Tom was on his lap.


Tom brings joy to everyone in the center, including the veterans and the staff. Many find Tom when they are on their lunch break to give him treats or for a quick snuggle.


The home certainly is a little happier and homier with Tom stalking the ward.

Via: Little Things

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