If You Ask This Teen About His Height (Yes, He Is Tall) You Will Get His Business Card

If there is one thing that most teenagers hope for, it’s not to stick out of the crowd. Many of them would rather blend in than stick out, because they may just be setting themselves up to be singled out! At times, however, it is impossible not to stand out and that is especially true with you are a very tall individual.

If you were tall for your age, you probably heard the same thing that most other tall children heard, and that was comments about your height. People would ask you if you were tall or they may ask you if you played basketball but in either case, they were just pointing out the fact that you were tall. It seems as if one young lad has come up with a brilliant solution.


He is only 17 years old and he now hands out business cards to those who ask him the obvious question.

He bought a stack of 100 business cards for only $10 and now he hands them out to everyone who asks him about his height.

Via: Mashable

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