10 Before And After Pictures That Show The Reality Of Kittens Becoming Cats

Many of us grew up with an animal in our household. We may not even remember a time when we didn’t have a dog or cat by our side. Not only did it help to introduce us to animals, there is research that shows that children who grow up with animals are more likely to love animals when they are adults. As far as the type of animal that you choose, it really depends upon you as an individual. There tends to be dog people and cat people but there are also some who could go either direction.

If you happen to be somebody who has a feline in your life, you realize that they have a lot to offer. Most people who don’t have cats consider them to be aloof but those of us who have cats realize that they can be quite cuddly as well. Of course, it depends upon the feline but in many cases, they are more than just an animal in the home, they are a member of the family. The one problem we experience with cats is that they tend to grow up so quickly. Sometimes, they grow so quickly that we don’t even recognize it.

As you look down through the following pictures, you will see the difference between kittens and cats. They are the same animal, but it’s amazing when you see the two pictures side by side.

1. From cute to majestic

2. Never give up your box

3. This cat loves her sink

4. A cat in a hammock

5. They loved each other from the start

6. Kitten pile to cat pile

7. Queen of her domain

8. Rescue

9. Felines will be felines

10. I think she still fits

Source: Paws Planet