13 Humorous Examples of Cats Hiding in Random Places

The world seems to be split into two different types of people, those who love dogs and those who love cats. I know what you’re thinking, there are plenty of people who love all animals, but you can divide most people into those two categories. Anybody who loves cats recognizes that they are some of the most unique animals on the face of the earth.

Of course, along with being a unique animal, they can also be quite strange as well. Something that many of them tend to do is to hide in the most random areas. In fact, it’s kind of like a game of hide and seek, where your cat suddenly disappears and you are quite sure where you will find them.

Thanks to a cat behavior specialist, we now understand that cats love to hide in those places because it makes them feel less stressed and trap. Many of us can certainly appreciate the need to destress every once in a while.

If you’re ready to get rid of some stress, the following 13 pictures are certainly going to take care of that for you. It is cats hiding in the most random areas, and it is amazingly funny.


I hope you didn’t need your boot today


You might want to check the dresser drawers first.


This cat doesn’t look very happy about getting caught in the corner pocket


Sometimes I wish I were only as big as a paper towel roll


Just chilling out here


Plenty to eat and a hiding place. What more could you ask for?


This one loves music


Nobody will ever find to be here


I think you should rethink your strategy


You need to try a little harder


Nobody here, just walk away


This is going to be a fun surprise


I’m a little teapot

As you can see, these cats are absolutely adorable! Make sure that you share this with your friends on Facebook.

Via: meow bark moo