Brave Little Kitten Shows Big Reaction To Meeting Her New Dog Siblings

This tiny kitten named Nimbus may be small, but don’t judge this kitty by her looks alone because she’s a brave as any big cat. She’s a fighter who knew how to make a big first impression on her much bigger dog siblings.

Sam Gerth first saw Nimbus when she was barely old enough to open her eyes. His girlfriend rescued the little white kitten, who was covered in dirt and oil from the road, on her way home one day back from work.

“We gave her a bath in the sink to try to clean her up a little bit, and then we turned on our space heater and let her rest in front of it because she was shivering and cold,” Gerth told The Dodo. “She ended up falling asleep in my hand for about 45 minutes in front of the heater.”

The couple was unsure at first if they were ready to add a new member to their family; after all, they already had two dogs and two other cats. But they decided to keep Nimbus and kept her separated from the others until she became strong enough and while they made up their minds about her future.
However, soon it became very clear that this little kitten had made a very big first impression, and wasn’t about to go anywhere because she knew that she was finally home.

“She very quickly stole our hearts, so that made that decision pretty easy,” Gerth said. “After a day or two, we decided it was time to introduce her to the family.”
When Nimbus first met the lively dogs, one of whom belong to Gerth’s sister, Nimbus built her self to full height and fluffed out all her fur to make herself look as “intimidating” as possible.
Needless to say, the dogs quickly fell in line and learned who was boss!
“She definitely is a brave little kitty!” Gerth said. “She stood her ground to every dog and animal she met!”
However, there was one dog who Nimbus trusted from the very beginning — Zep, the gentle giant who loves everyone he meets. And the pup was more than happy to snuggle and comfort the little kitty.
Meanwhile, the other cats took a bit longer to accept her, but after a few days, Nimbus won them over.

They now get along great and play all the time,” Gerth said.
After a month and a half in her forever home, Nimbus has grown to become a healthy and very happy cat.
However, her dad’s still unsure if her tiny appearance will ever match up with her spunky personality: