An Expert Reveals That Dogs Are Likely Dreaming About Their Owners

Dreaming is something that is one of the more unusual things that most of us do on a daily basis. When we wake up, we often tell somebody else about the dreams that we had or they may reveal theirs to us. Dreams are also something that tend to fade away as the day wears on. There is also something interesting that happens when we have animals in the house.

As a dog owner, you have likely looked over and seeing your dog kicking, whimpering and perhaps even growling in their sleep. It can be rather interesting to watch, but up until now, we had no idea what was actually taking place in their dreams. It was obvious that they were dreaming, but what were they seeing? A Harvard expert has now weighed in on the subject.

A Harvard expert on dogs explained how the drinking habits of animals differ from those of humans. He was taking part of the Q&A session and talks about various subjects, including leg movements and REM cycles. When he got to the subject of what was actually taking place in the dogs dream, however, it touched people on a very deep basis.


What Are Dogs Dreaming?

Humans tend to dream about the same things that interest them on a daily basis but they do so visually and less logically. There is no reason why we would think that animals were any different. Since dogs are generally attached to the human owners, it’s likely that the dog is dreaming of your face, your smell or how they affect you individually.

One dog owners learn that their dogs could possibly be “dreaming of [their] face” it really touch them. This excerpt was screen shot and shared online.


This tweet has been re-tweeted tens of thousands of times.

People also started posting pictures of their dogs sleeping and dreaming, most likely about them.

It didn’t take the owners long to weigh in on how they felt




We’ll never know for sure what a dog is dreaming but the thought that they may be dreaming about us is enough to make many people cry.




Via: Buzz Feed

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