Man Makes It His Mission In Life To Adopt Old Dogs Who Need A Forever Home

One of the most difficult things we may face is when we lose a beloved pet. It can truly be a heartbreaking experience and sometimes, it take years to recover, if we ever do.

Of course, it does take time to heal, and eventually, you may make room in your heart for another pet.


That is what happened to Steve Grieg after he lose his dog.


Several months had passed and he was still heartbroken over the loss


He wanted to open his heart and bring in another dog but he needed a special dog to fill the void.


He went to the shelter to look for the “most unadoptable” senior dog they had.


He was looking for dogs who were overlooked and ignored and provided them with a forever home


He now has 10 shelter dogs and they couldn’t be happier.


His Instagram is filled with pictures and he has tens of thousand of followers.


It can be a lot of work to take care of them. He wakes up early to prepare breakfast for his big fur family


They all are on special diets, so it is a lot of work.


After they eat, they go for a walk in the park, to visit the vet and then fill the day with lots of love


Having senior dogs is easy, because they don’t need to be trained.


They take life slow, and that is fine with Steve


There are always dogs there to give him company after a long day.


Know that he is making them happy is thanks enough for him


These aren’t the only dogs who benefit from his care.


He also has a pet pig named Bikini, two ducks, some pigeons, chickens and a few cats.


He is basically running a small farm, and he wouldn’t have it any other way


Although he doesn’t have any more room to take in more senior dogs, he does intend to expand in the future so that no shelter dog will ever have to feel unloved ever again.


Via: Hero Viral

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