Fearless Moose Nosedives Off A High Cliff Then Swims Away Like It Was No Big Deal

It’s always nerve-wracking watching animals traverse high places or places where they shouldn’t be. Cat’s on roofs, bears on cars (or in hour house), etc. But I can guarantee you’ve never seen anything quite as crazy as this moose’s insane daredevil leap off a cliff.

A video captured a young moose scaling some rocks on the cliffs of Nippers Harbour in Newfoundland, Canada. After it tentatively toed around the edge of the stones, the moose suddenly takes a head-first plunge into the water. The person behind the camera can be heard yelling: “Oh no! Is she gone?”

But, lo and behold, the moose emerges safe and sound, swimming away as if it was just another Tuesday night.

Dr. Ronald Moen, a professor of biology at the University of Minnesota, is a researcher in mammalian ecology and recipient of the 2016 Distinguished Moose Biologist Award (yes it’s actually a thing). He confirmed that our daredevil moose was never in real danger.

“The moose probably walked down the cliff-side but could not get back up,” Moen said. “Possibly it was foraging although there didn’t look to be much food present. Moose are excellent swimmers, and given how calm the water was it could have found an access point to get back on land.”

Check out this fantastic leap for yourself in the video below. And be sure to share this story with your friends and family.