Look at What SeaWorld Is Doing to Orcas!

What do you think an orca at SeaWorld does all day? The truth is alarming!

When filming an upcoming documentary project, Superpod took the following video that shows a time-lapse clip of an orca in San Diego’s SeaWorld. This poor animal simply floats in the pool for hours on end and at the most, swims a few feet to one side, only to float once again!


Like us, you are probably wondering what SeaWorld has to say about this behavior. In a PR video, one of the trainers at SeaWorld said the following…

“[Audiences at SeaWorld] might see him at rest, because, you see, like all animals, killer whales do rest.”

I need to warn you, however, you should not fall for the hype. According to Marine mammal experts, Orcas do not float like this in the wild. If they are healthy, it is virtually unheard of!

According to Heather Rally, a PETA veterinarian, this type of behavior is unique to captivity. She says that it is “very, very uncommon in the wild.” She feels that the behavior seen at SeaWorld is a result of inadequate living conditions, boredom and stress.

Another Marine mammal scientist, Naomi Rose, PhD says that even when an orca is sleeping, they will remain in motion. She states that it is “extremely rare” for an orca to stay in the same position for more than 2 minutes. If that is true, why are the orcas in captivity at SeaWorld motionless for up to 3 hours at a time?

Orca’s that are free in the wild swim almost constantly and can travel up to 100 miles in a single day. If they do remain motionless, as you see in the SeaWorld tanks, it puts them in danger for insect bites and sunburns. Additionally, like humans, lack of activity leads to lowered health. It is becoming more and more obvious that SeaWorld is unable to provide the habitat these beautiful creatures need.

This time-lapse video will show you what a typical day is like for a SeaWorld orca. How sad…

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