This Service Dog Sits To Have His Caricature Drawn At Disney And The Internet Loves It

When we have a dog in our lives, they are more than just somebody who hangs out with us at home, they are a part of the family. As a matter of fact, many of us consider them to be such an important part of the family that we would want to include them in all aspects of life. This would include anything from sitting down for dinner to going on vacation.

It wasn’t all that long ago that traveling with a pet was not very easy to do. We had a plan far in advance to make sure that we had proper accommodations, and even then, there were times when the pet had to sleep outside. That is no longer the case, however, and it certainly has gotten a lot easier with so many pet friendly hotels.


Of course, service dogs have a special part in their owner’s lives, and they are more than a member of the family. People are often able to take service dogs into areas were a family pet may not be able to go, and they make it into some unusual situations.

That was the case with this service dog.

26-year-old Katie was sent a photo by her parents. They had been visiting Disneyland and they saw a dog sitting at a caricature portrait station, patiently waiting while his picture was drawn.


When Katie saw the picture, she absolutely couldn’t stand how cute it was. She shared it on twitter and it has been retweeted tens of thousands of times.


Her caption was simple, but people fell in love with this picture.



They fell in love with the dog, a service dog, but they also fell in love with the owner.




The puppy is a service dog in training named Yahoo. The volunteer has been teaching her basic obedience and socialization before she graduates to professional training. She will someday help a person with disabilities.


Yahoo is living with a volunteer who is raising her for the first couple of years. It is thought that they took Yahoo to Disneyland to help with socialization skills. The visit to the caricature was done so she could learn some patience.


It appears from the picture as if Yahoo has got the patience part down pat.


By February, Yahoo will be professionally trained to open the door, turn on the light switch and pull a wheelchair.


The volunteer who is training Yahoo provided the final caricature masterpiece



Via: Buzz Feed

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