This Animal Behavior Is Dangerous

From time to time, we see pictures of dogs or cats that seem to be rather stressed out. They may be pressing their head up against a wall, and we tend to humanize it and make it seem as if they are stressed out over day-to-day difficulties.

In reality, this is a behaviour that is extremely serious and if you don’t act quickly, it could cost your animal more than you are willing to pay!

Rather than taking a picture of this unusual behavior, it is time for you to take quick action.

Unless you do so, it could end up costing your pet their life or at the very least, it could prolong any agony that they may be experiencing.


Why is it so important to get help immediately when your pet is exhibiting this behavior? Because “head pressing” could be the sign of a significant difficulty. This is what one resource had to say on the subject.

“Head Pressing” is when the the affected pet stands close to a wall or other hard surface (furniture, the corner, etc) and literally presses their head against the surface. It almost always signifies significant neurological illness. This is a medical emergency!

What kind of medical emergency could be exhibited in this way? It could be any number of neurological disorders, including meningitis, brain tumor, stroke, inflammation, infection and head trauma. It could also be seen with other signs and symptoms, such as visual impairment, seizures, pacing, anxiety and walking in circles.

Our pets don’t have the ability to tell us when they are sick. When you see any of these issues occurring, take immediate action and get them to a veterinarian right away. Don’t take a picture to post on Facebook… Take action!