This Shelter Animal Changed Their Lives

She volunteered on a regular basis at an animal shelter and she loved her job. Like many people who work for animal shelters, she saw animals come and go and she always wanted to do more.

It wasn’t till they had the opportunity to take care of an abandoned baby silver fox that their life truly changed. As you will see through these pictures, the fox was not only rescued by this couple but it added so much to their life that they would never be without it again!


Kona, the baby silver fox, was one of many illegal animals that were brought to this wildlife sanctuary when they were rescued.


Like many babies, this fox love to be held but it was more than just a desire, it was a need. Being constantly held kept it warm.


They were able to take care of the fox in a number of unique ways. Necessity is the mother of invention and Kona certainly did benefit from it.


During the first month that Kona was in their household, it had to be bottle-fed every day and every night!


When owning an unusual pet, questions are often asked. They would typically tell people it was a puppy!


Don’t forget the scrub behind the ears


Kona loves her toy dolls. As she continued to grow, it became obvious that she would need a permanent home and they were more than willing to provide it for her.


What a beautiful family!


The silver fur started to show up about six weeks of age.


Even as she continued to grow, she was a very close member of the family.


(Image Source: Imgur)