13 People Who Answered Exam Questions When They Had No Idea What They Were Saying

If there is one thing I know about children, it’s the fact that they can certainly be creative. As a matter of fact, their creativity often outpaces their older counterparts, and it can be seen throughout their entire life. One of the ways that it is cleverly seen is when they take tests, and you might just be surprised with the answers that they come up with.

The following tests were taken by children and they answered every question, even though they weren’t aware of the real answer. They did their best to use their creativity, however, and some of them even ended up with extra points, just because they didn’t throw in the towel and give up. I’m sure that you will come away with a newfound appreciation for all these children have to put up with in school and some respect for the teachers that put up with them.

1. Everybody has a name


2. I can’t say it is wrong


3. How would you know?


4. Somebody loves dogs


5. Every morning


6. Violence might just be the answer


7. That’s using the old noggin


8. Points for sympathy


9. Get right to the point


10. Touche


11. He knows everything you need to know


12. I thought Gary Busey was everything


13. Never saw it coming


Via: Diply

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