21 Memes That Show The Reality Of Raising Boys

There are two types of people in this world, those who have children and those who don’t. If you happen to fall in the category of somebody who has kids, you recognize that it can be a real joy. Then again, you also probably recognize that it can be frustrating and at times, even a little bit irritating. If you were to talk to anybody who has children, they would admit those facts very quickly.

There is also a difference between having a boy and having a girl. Aside from the obvious, the way that they are raised is quite different and you are typically going to have a lot of different issues, depending upon their gender. Most parents will tell you that boys are less maintenance than girls because they don’t care what they wear, they don’t tend to be as picky and when they are teenagers, they will not give you quite so much hassle. In addition, mothers get to have the mother/son dance at weddings, so there is a lot to be said for having sons.

Now that we have the nice things out of the way, there are also going to be some frustrating situations about having boys in the house. It’s always good to hold on to your sense of humor, and it looks like these mothers did so by creating some memes. Look down through these and you will recognize some of the issues associated with raising boys.

1. Good luck finding a dry toilet seat

2. Furniture is dangerous

3. The toys can get on your nerves

4. Early morning wake-up calls

5. The bathroom smells like a bathroom

6. Hands in the pants

7. High blood pressure

8. You get compliments, sort of

9. It’s always a bathroom joke

10. Unexpected farting

11. More about farting

12. When your husband tries to help

13. Say goodbye to family trips

14. More about the bathroom

15. Dinner can be interesting

16. Showers are not on the agenda

17. Fresh underwear is not on the agenda

18. It’s all about Star Wars

19. Don’t panic

20. Poop is the word

21. At least they have priorities

Source: Tip Hero