Celebrate The End Of The Year With The 13 Funniest Tweets From Parents In 2016

It’s difficult to believe the 2016 is almost behind us and we certainly have seen a lot in this past year. Some of the things that we have seen are bad and others are good but it is always a good idea to look at something fresh and to see the humour that we are leaving behind. That is the case with these tweets, which are the top from parents in 2016.

Many parents recognise the fact that they lose something in their lives with little ones come around, it’s called their sanity. Yes, they also gain a lot from being part of the family unit but that doesn’t stop them from saying something funny every once in a while.


Many of them take to twitter to do so and these 13 are the funniest that we can find.

1. True that

2. When your mother is scary

3. Time to dig deep

4. Let’s get something straight here

5. Why even bother?

6. It could be worse

7. Ryan Reynolds even gets into it

8. Just leave the phone off the hook

9. Just a reminder

10. A weird way to encourage

11. They say you stop caring after the second

12. They can’t all be alike

13. Old for his years

Via: Aunty Acid

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