Children Are On The Menu In This Fancy Wedding RSVP Fail

When we are planning a wedding, we usually make sure that every detail is perfect. It takes months, and at times, years of planning to pull of the perfect wedding. Unfortunately, there are going to be some issues that fall through the cracks, and this is the perfect example.

When they sent out the invitations to this fancy wedding, they wanted people to RSVP. Not only did it let them know who was going to be attending, it also let them know what they were eating for the meal at the reception. The only problem is, the menu was not what they expected.

The RSVP seemed easy enough. You just needed to let them know if you were attending and if you would be eating beef or pork for your entree. The problem is, there was a third entree added, for children!


Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they are not cannibals. They just didn’t have the best design choices when it came to their invitation. Let’s just hope the rest of the wedding went off without a hitch.

Via: Mashable

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