Tim Conway Was So Funny In This Popular Carol Burnett Show Skit, He Made Harvey Korman Wet His Pants

Being a comedic actor takes lots of talent but also lots of discipline. The timing has to be spot on, the same as it has to be for stand-up comics. However, unlike stand-up, actors usually have to rely on other actors to do their parts well. The chemistry between actors is crucial in any genre, especially comedy. More often than not, most actors don’t have a unique chemistry, which is why most shows never survive more than a season or two. However, shows like the Carol Burnett Show are those rare exceptions. Carol’s show is still considered the gold standard by many today when it comes to sketching comedy. The show’s talented team was stacked with very funny people, and nearly everyone had their own hit character.

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That said, the show did have one very popular stand-out, the iconic Tim Conway.

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Tim had a reputation on set for making even the most seasoned performers break character and laugh. For any performer on a comedy show, this is the ultimate achievement. And there are many scenes featuring Conway and other performers in which he manages to leave them in stitches, despite their best efforts not to react.

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But, honestly, watching actors break characters to laugh in a skit makes the skit that much funnier.

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And there’s one skit in particular that fans remember well, mainly because Harvey Korman, the actor who usually plays the “straight man” or non-comedic role, confessed that Tim Conway made him laugh so hard he wet himself!

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That’s right! Conway’s performance in a skit called “The Dentist” was so hilri0us that Korman had an accident trying to hold the laughter in!

Image Source: YouTube

Watching this scene, we are reminded of just how talented Tim Conway was and how he likely inspired many comedians like Jim Carrey and others with his off-beat, off-the-wall antics.

Image Source: YouTube

You can watch the Dentist in the video below.

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  1. “Tim Conway Reveals Joke That Made Harvey Korman Wet His Pants On The Carol Burnett Show” Apost.