Daycare Scribbles Aggressive Message on Young Boys Bare Skin

I think that most people would agree that daycare is a necessary part of life. It helps many parents that are unable to take care of their children because they work and don’t have anyone to help.

Of course, when we take advantage of any daycare in our area, we expect that they are going to give us and our children excellent service. That is exactly how Heather Chisum felt when she took her child to daycare but she got quite a surprise.

It seems as if her son came home with a note from the daycare. Rather than being written on a piece of paper, however, they used a semi-permanent marker to write an aggressive message on little Milo’s stomach

It wasn’t just a matter of a note being sent home to the 23-year-old mother from Florida, it was the fact that the child was mistreated at the same time. His mother decided that she wanted to share the story on Facebook, and it got quite a bit of traction.

It isn’t unusual for the school to leave notes for the mother but when she missed one, the school decided that they would write it on her son’s stomach. He needed diapers, and they wanted to make sure that she knew it.

She wrote the following: “Every day when I pick Fin and Milo up from daycare they put a daily report paper in Milo’s lunch box. It says what mood he was in for the day, what times they changed his diapers, and if he needs diapers or wipes.”

Heather has a full-time job and two young children. She didn’t think that it was that big of a deal that she missed a note, but they disagreed.

When she went to change his diaper in the afternoon, that is when she saw the note on his stomach. It said: “Mom I’m out of diapers pls read my report.”

It wasn’t bad enough that they had to write a message but they made it a lot longer than was necessary as well. It was a simple mistake on her part that she only missed one report, so it was out of line on a number of levels.

To add insult to injury, she tried scrubbing it off with baby wipes and it barely faded. She posted the picture and the story on Facebook, asking for people to give their opinion on the situation.

Most mothers supported her and spoke about how it was improper for the school to do this. There was one that even suggested that she file a report. Others, however, said that she was in the wrong for missing that note.

For those mothers that complained, she replied: “For all of these mothers coming after me and saying I’m negligent, I’m human and I missed a report.”

After contacting a local news station, the Fort Myers News-Press, the director of the school made a statement. She said that they were: “terribly sorry for the distress it has caused the family involved as well as all of our families. It was a breach of our professional ethics on the part of the teacher.”

It was then confirmed by the paper that the teacher was fired and the school was taking steps to make sure it didn’t happen again.

Source: Fort Myers News-Press