Mom Refuses To Wash Baby For ‘At Least’ A Month After Birth

When it comes to controversial topics, I think that child-rearing is near the top of the list. It doesn’t stop new mothers from going out and voicing their opinion, it’s just that everyone else wants to voice their opinion as well.

That includes Shahnta Hoare, a mother who has shared quite an interesting topic on TikTok. In fact, there are many mothers and others who have come on to express their concern, and sometimes even their support, over her controversial decision.

It seems as if she doesn’t believe that children should be bathed after they are born. That’s right, she wants her baby to live the first month of his life without being washed off, regardless of what it is.

Recently, she posted a video on TikTok and it is going viral for some interesting reasons. People are chiming in about the way that she is raising her son, Ozzie, and the debate is raging.

If you think that this is strange, it really isn’t strange to her. She has felt this way and has often talked about the benefits of vernix, which is the creamy substance that covers the skin of a newborn during the last trimester.

In most cases, the vernix is washed off immediately after birth and that was the case with her first three children, but she feels it’s important for it to stay.



♬ original sound – Louis III

In the video clip, she explained: “Ozzy did not get wiped of anything. Like what you see in that video [of his birth] stayed on him until it just naturally came off.”

That other video was shared on TikTok as well not long after Ozzie was born. You can see that he was covered from head to toe but she goes on to talk about the benefits that most people don’t know. She said:

“Vernix is actually really good to keep on their skin, it’s actually super, super moisturizing – it’s almost a little oily He had it in his neck creases, his ears, fingers, toes – it’s the best.”

It may seem unusual, but experts also agree. According to Dr. Harvey Karp’s website The Happiest Baby, it can help to moisturize the baby skin, build up healthy bacteria in the gut and fight all bad bacteria by building up their immune system.

Delayed bathing is actually becoming somewhat of a trend. That doesn’t mean that people never wipe it off, it’s just that it’s not a bad idea to wait a few hours before giving them a sponge bath.


♬ Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy) [2010 Remastered] – John Lennon

The World Health Organization also chimed in saying that it’s good to wait at least six hours and preferably 24 hours so the babies can benefit to the fullest extent possible.

As far as Hoare is concerned, it’s her decision and she really doesn’t care what other people have to say about it. She also said that she does clean her baby properly when a diaper change is needed but washing Ozzie from head to toe does not happen.

I’d like to say this is the strangest thing I’ve ever seen on TikTok but I’d be lying.

Sources: WHO, Happiest Baby