Prince William Still Sings His Favorite Song From The 80s

Many of us grew up knowing the royal family and for those of us who lived in the 80s, we couldn’t think of anyone except Princess Diana. The British royal family was certainly one to follow, not only because of Diana but because of her children, Prince William and Prince Harry.

Undoubtedly, Diana cared for them in a very special way and she also wasn’t afraid to break protocol on occasion in order to care for her children in the best way possible.

The responsibilities of being part of a royal family were carried well on her shoulders. She was welcomed into many different responsibilities and took the lead in events that really helped to shine a positive light on how she was balancing her life and her responsibilities as a mother and a royal figure.

Unfortunately, Diana passed away but on her 60th birthday, her sons were together to unveil a statue. It really shows the positive impact that Princess Diana had on so many people.

That impact was not only seen in the world around us, it was also seen in the family. Her sons remember her dearly, even though they were still young when she died.

It was in 1983 that William was able to go overseas for the first time and he was less than a year old. It was not protocol, but Diana was breaking away from those old traditions and establishing her own.

In 1985, the entire family went on a tour of Italy according to The Independent. At the time, Harry was seven months old, although he’d already been to Scotland the month previous. Diana continued to break protocol and to have her children along with her.

When you see the old pictures and videos of the royal family, you can’t help but tell that Diana truly loved her children. They meant so much to her and their smiles and laughter were something that was always welcome.

There’s also something else that William remembers dearly about his mother. It was the music that she would sing when they were on their way to school. You see, unlike other members of the royal family, they weren’t homeschooled but she would do her best to make them feel good by singing Tina Turner’s song, ‘The Best’.

Williams said that he can remember her singing it and it has really stuck with him. He always felt like it was a family moment and he still listens to it today because it makes them feel nostalgic.

William also encourages others to take care of their health and to walk regularly. As an additional benefit, he recommends that they include The Best in their playlist.

Sources: The Independent, Yahoo, People, Harpers Bazaar