Continue Growing after You Die

The Earth has a unique way of recycling itself. On a continuous basis, tectonic plates are shifting, changing the face of the continents, creating new features and making life interesting for those of us who live in earthquake zones. Even human bodies can be part of this cycle, but that cycle is often stopped when we die.

At one time, our bodies were buried and they simply were reabsorbed into the earth once again. That process has been halted, however, through modern burials and cremation. If the thought of continuing to live as a part of the earth after you die appeals to you, you will love this biodegradable urn!


A company known as Bios Urn has changed the way that we can look at what happens to us when we die, at least in a physical sense. This urn concept is rather unique, in that it allows the human body to continue living in a unique way. The concept for this company came from an unexpected source, the grandmother of the CEO.

“One afternoon my brother was planting some vegetables with my grandmother. They were in the orchard when suddenly our grandmother found a dead bird lying on the floor,” Moliné told A Plus in an email. “Instinctively, without thinking too much, she took the dead bird, made a small hole in the floor and threw on it both the dead bird, with some of the seeds she had on her hand. That action, or better said, that reaction is what inspired the Bios Urn. A product that could use the remains of someone or something that passed away, and convert it into a new form of life.”


Once the concept was on the table, making the urns became a regular part of life. In the initial phases, the business was entirely self-funded and the biodegradable fibrous urns provided people with exactly what they needed, a way for their body to incorporate into a living tree, after they had died.

Eventually, the concept and popularity attracted the attention of investors.

From that point forward, the company really took on a life of its own. They realized that it was something beneficial to many individuals, so they started a website and moved forward. All of this was done without any market research, they just realized that people reacted positively to their product.

Since their inception, they have sold tens of thousands of urns, not only in the United States but around the world.

Something interesting that was discovered was the fact that many people looked to this product on a spiritual level, as well as what it could offer physically.


The company received an email from Bill, a man who had purchased the urn after discovering he had terminal cancer. Here is part of the email…

“I have my Bios Urn actually sitting in its box on a shelf in my laundry room where I see it about once a week, and it gives me pause. On the one hand, it’s the reminder that I’m not long for the world, a year at best at this point, but on the other, I know I’ll become a greater part of the energy of the world. There’s a soothing quality to that. My urn, seeds, and tree will be placed at the family homestead, a home that has seen generations, and will see many more. So, I’ll never be far from the people I love and who love me.”

This is truly an amazing and unique product.

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