15 Couples Re-Create Old Pictures

There is something about old photographs that simply captivates the imagination. It doesn’t matter how often we look at them, we can’t help but wonder about the people in the photographs, who they were, what they were doing and what they were thinking. That is sometimes even the case when we know them, because it is the same individual from years gone by.

Although decades may have passed since the time those old photographs were taken, the people are often much the same. That is why the individuals in these old photographs decided they would re-create those photos in an amazing way. When you see the love that exists between these individuals, both in the before and after photographs, you will fall in love with love again.


1. They enjoyed a carousel ride together when they were three years old. Now they are taking the same trip as newlyweds.


2. After 70 years of marriage, they re-create their wedding photo.


3. Prince Philip and Queen Elizabeth have often been photographed but this proves that the smiles remain the same.


4. 60 years of marriage and still kissing


5. I think the wife looks exactly the same in both photographs!


6. They were flower girl and ringbearer but now they have graduated to bride and groom


7. 40 years later and still riding off into the sunset


8. They were a pretend bride and groom in 1926 and now they have been married for 70 years.


9. They have been together since they were babies and now they are married


10. They met in elementary school and years later, they were married and had a son.


11. These lovebirds re-created their wedding photo after 45 years


12. Same couple, same pose and same incredible car.


13. 1970 – 2010 and they still have a smile on their face


14. They have been married for 44 years and they still love each other


15. They are still in love and obviously have a sense of humor


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