A List Of The Strict Rules Mayim Bialik Puts On her Kids

You’ve probably heard about Mayim Balik before. After all, she is a well-known actress who played a big part on The Big Bang Theory. It turns out that she is more than an actress, however, she also happens to be one of the smartest women in show business. After all, she has her Ph.D. in neuroscience, so she probably knows her way around the laboratory. That being said, she is also a mother, and that is what this article is about.

As a mother, she has some tips that she would like to share and you might be surprised with what you can learn from a neuroscience Ph.D. when it comes to raising children. Her methods may not be conventional but then again, you can’t argue with success. Here are some of the rules that her kids must follow.

Her kids didn’t wear diapers

They practice what is known as ‘elimination communication’. Her one son was potty trained by his first birthday.

She homeschools

Mayim and her now ex-husband decided they would homeschool the children, and she tells us why in a YouTube video.

Most people would agree with her reasons, especially those who homeschool their children

One of the reasons is that she likes to control the scheduling and curriculum. She also likes to do more than they do in a structured environment.

They have unconventional punishments

She didn’t yell at her children or put them in timeout, she would communicate with them.

Her kids sleep in her bed

She practices ‘cosleeping’ with her children and they share the same sleeping surface. She encourages it.

They share birth

Her first son was invited to the birth of her second son. He even cut the cord.

You should wear your babies

She always had her children in a baby sling. She felt that it served to help bond them together.

She continued to breast-feed her kids

Mayim practices ‘holistic parenting’ and that included breast-feeding her children until they were over the age of three.

There are other celebrities who also prolonged breast-feeding

Jada Pinket-Smitt, Miranda Kerr, Kourtney Kardashian are some of the other celebrity mothers who breast-fed their kids for a number of years.

Say Goodbye to Smartphones

She will not buy her children a smartphone. She considers herself to be a ‘fuddy-duddy’ and she doesn’t think kids need phones.


Mayim and her children are vegan. She feels that they are ethically and morally connected to their meals

No medication

She doesn’t do smaller medication such as painkillers or cold medicine. She would rather use natural remedies.

You don’t have to say you’re sorry

Mayim likes to wait her children out and allow them to learn to say their nice words.

Say goodbye to TV

Even though she stars on TV her children don’t watch it. Her oldest son was introduced to television when she showed him her homebirth video to get him ready for his brother’s birth.

She has reasons for it

She doesn’t want her children to be influenced by the media.

No Christmas presents

Mayim is Jewish but she doesn’t mind if family members give Christmas presents.

No Internet for learning

We may use the Internet for looking things up but she doesn’t believe in it. Her children have to look in books to learn.

No playroom

If a toy doesn’t serve a purpose it is not in her home

It’s all on-demand

She doesn’t follow a schedule, she thinks that everything should happen spontaneously.

Environmentally conscious

Her children are vegan and she wants them to be kind to the environment

They come to mom, not dad

While she and her husband were together they would come to her to solve a problem

No yelling

She is not perfect and she can raise her voice sometimes and lose her temper. She just makes sure she teaches her kids that it’s not the solution to problems.

Source: Diply