After Looking at This Restaurant Receipt She Called the Police!

A woman in Virginia had gone out recently to eat at a restaurant but when her bank account showed something unusual in a few days, she discovered something alarming.

The restaurant in question is Abuelo’s, located in Roanoke, Virginia. The total bill, including the tip was $55.50. Incidentally, it was a generous tip! After checking the bank records, however, she saw that she was charged $65.50.

Rather than just letting it go, this mother of three went back to the restaurant to get a copy of the receipt in question.

She asked the man in charge if it was a merchant copy or a customer copy and the owner said, “it’s the customer copy”.


After looking at the receipt, she saw that the tip was raised to $20 and her signature had been forged!

“It was almost a 25 percent tip and then they go behind you and fraudulently sign a name to a credit card receipt,” she explained, and she used to be a waitress, so she was familiar with how it was supposed to work. She likened it to someone stealing your debit card!

After finding out about the problem, the restaurant stated that it would take 10 days for them to deal with the problem. Of course, Anderson wouldn’t stand for it and posted it on Facebook right away. After seeing the Facebook post, the restaurant offered to refund the entire meal.

Sometimes, you need to call someone out on a problem, even if it is a quality restaurant! Use what is at your disposal and never allow yourself to be railroaded like this.

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