Dad Confiscated His Daughter’s Cell Phone And His Ex-Wife Had Him Arrested

When Ronald Johnson found an offensive text message on his daughter’s cell phone, he did what any responsible parent would do, he confiscated it. She was sending mean text messages to the daughter of his new wife, and he felt it was inappropriate behavior so he took charge of the situation.

He thought that this was the end of the situation, but he was very wrong.

Rather than being able to punish his child in the way he felt was best, he got arrested for taking his own daughter’s phone!

It’s little wonder that this story went viral, because parents around the world are wondering how something like this could happen. You can read the story of why he got arrested below:


Ronald Johnson discovered an inappropriate text message on his teenage daughter’s phone.

She had been sending harmful messages to his new wife’s daughter. As a punishment, he decided to take the cell phone away and he considered the matter settled.


“I was being a parent,” he said. “A child does something wrong — you teach them what’s right. You tell them what they did wrong and you give them a punishment to show that they shouldn’t be doing that,” Jackson said.

When Ronald’s ex-wife found out that he took the phone away, however, she was outraged. She filed criminal charges against her ex-husband saying that the phone was her property.


He had the opportunity to give the phone back but he refused. He wanted to stand his ground and show that he should be able to be a parent to his daughter when she is under his care.

“I didn’t want the police department telling me how to parent my child,” he said.

Ronald was handcuffed and arrested. He was released after posting $1,500 bond.


Nearly 2 years later, Ronald was charged with misdemeanor theft. He was absolutely shocked!

Ronald feels that there was much more to the story than what meets the eye. His ex-wife happened to get married to a local police officer.

The police department denied the accusation.


Believe it or not, his own daughter testified against him at the hearing. The judge, however, directed the jury to find him not guilty. He was able to keep the confiscated phone.

This father’s relationship with his daughter was all but destroyed, over a cell phone!

Via: Little Things

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