It Has Been 20 Years Since Princess Diana’s Death But Prince Williams Says It Still Affects Him Daily

The world was in shock when, 20 years ago, Princess Diana died in a car crash. She was a beautiful young lady that had captivated hearts worldwide with her life story. After the accident, she continued to dominate the news pages for quite some time.

Princess Di and Prince Charles had two children, Prince William and Prince Harry. Throughout the years, those two men had to deal with the loss of their mother. Prince Harry was 12 years old when his mum passed and Prince William was 15. Any young person would have a terrible time but these two lads had the eyes of the world upon them.

Prince William and Prince Harry have handled the situation about as well as anybody could handle it. They’ve even used it to help others in many ways, including by setting examples of how to handle loss.

Recently, Prince William went to the Keech Hospice care Center in Luton with the Duchess of Cambridge. They met a family there who also suffered a tragic loss.

The father and his three sons talked with Prince Harry about the loss of their mum and wife. She had died from cancer and the family was having a difficulty coming to terms with the loss. They were at the center that day for grief counseling.

Prince William has been through similar. He knew what it was like to lose the person who was closest to you.

Fourteen-year-old Ben Hines was having a particularly difficult time. The Prince put his hand on his shoulder and told him that after 20 years, he still suffers from sadness. He said it was necessary to talk to family but it’s okay to be sad.

His comforting words acknowledged that there is not a problem with missing someone when they are gone. The conversation helped the family, including his father. Their dad said “They meant the world to Ben.” He also said how Prince William gave Ben his full attention and you could tell that it really hit home with him.

This was a very kind thing for Prince William to do. He had to grow up far too quickly and he has learned how to overcome a tragedy.

Prince William continues to help others, even though he still feels the loss as well. We are sure that his mum would be proud of what he has become.

Via: Liftable

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