Stranger Waits For Mum To Look Away At Doctors Then Slips The Son A Note With $100

Melissa Simms is a mother of five and she recently found herself in a rather difficult situation while she was at the doctors office. Not only was she stressed out and tired, she was running low on funds due to some surgeries that had drained their bank account. In fact, they had to split the last $10 they had in their pocket for gas money.

Later that day, she went with one of her sons to a doctors appointment, where she learned that the co-pay was more expensive than she thought. She didn’t have enough to cover it.

She was in a panic and didn’t know what to do, but she had to see the doctor, so she left her son behind in the waiting room.

Her son, Trey, was surprised when a woman came up and handed him a sealed envelope, telling him to give it to his mother. When she returned, he handed her the envelope and she couldn’t believe what she found inside.


Melisa Sims, a mother of five children, was having a bad day. She had a doctor’s appointment as a follow up to surgeries she had.


Her son Trey was home sick from school that day, and accompanied her to the doctor’s appointment.

Earlier that morning, Melissa and her husband Caleb split between them their last $10 at the time.

It wasn’t until Melissa got to the doctor’s office that she realized she didn’t have enough money for her co-payment.

Melissa was in a panic, but went in for her follow-up.


While Try was sitting in the waiting room, a woman approached him with an envelope and told him to hand it to his mother.

After the appointment, Melissa opened the envelope and pulled out a handwritten note.


The note read:

I’ve had days like you are having today. Hang in there. Joshua 1:9

The woman also slipped a $100 bill into the envelope.


“I don’t know what she looks like, I don’t know her name, but I hope I get to meet her to say thank you,” Melissa told WBRC News.

She wrote about her experience on Facebook, and it quickly went viral.


Melissa said the Good Samaritan’s deed not only helped her pay for her doctor’s visit – and for dinner with the kids that night – but it also gave her a renewed sense of faith.

Joshua 1:9, the stranger’s quoted scripture reads:

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.


“It’s the kindest thing that’s ever been done,” said Melissa.

“Truly, from the bottom of my heart, I thank this woman. I would love to repay it and to pay it forward one day, just like she did.”

It’s nice to hear some good news sometimes.

Via: Little Things

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