One of the more frustrating issues that many parents must face is taking a ride with the children in tow. The bickering that takes place in the backseat is one of the more irritating things that they may face, and there is very little that can be done to get it to stop.
One father, who has triplets, decided that he had had enough of the backseat disturbances so he took appropriate action. No, he didn’t threaten or punish them, he had a basic solution that is leaving many parents scratching their heads and wondering why they had never considered it before.
It took a little bit of work on his part, but the solution is so effective, it stopped the bickering in its tracks. Quite simply, he built walls between them.
The walls are not exactly impenetrable, nor are they permanent, but one thing they are is effective. For those of us who have to drive around with children regularly, we recognise that this simple solution can help us to keep our sanity.
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