Taking Selfies to the Next Level

If there is one phenomena that puzzles many of us today, it’s taking selfies. Yet almost all of us do it, and some of us are even addicted to taking these self-portraits! From time to time, however, we see someone that takes things above and beyond and that is the case with Allan Dixon.

This 29-year-old man from Ireland is a self-proclaimed Dr. Doolittle and he loves taking pictures of himself with animals included! The pictures themselves are quite amazing but he talks about what doesn’t show on the pictures, including the dirty clothes from crawling around on the ground.

He also has some advice for other people who may be thinking about taking these types of selfies:

“[they] should be very careful as to not upset or provoke the animal when they’re trying to take the photo. Gain the animal’s trust in a calm relaxed manner and the results will be golden. Make sure it’s not a crocodile.”

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Please share these amazing pictures with others and make their day!