QUIZ: A Test Created For 7-Year-Olds Is Giving Most Adults A Fit. How Is Your Maths?

Many of us look back at the way we were taught in school and we wonder how children are ever able to get by today. It seems as if everything is changed and at times, what may seem somewhat simple by today’s standards could be quite difficult by our own standards. This multiplication question is a prime example, because it was intended for a seven-year-old but it stumps many adults!

Louise Bloxham, a UK mother, posted this maths problem on social media. It was given to her second-grade child. Since it was posted, it has gone viral and has parents arguing over the correct answer. It was taken from a standard assessment test that was meant for seven-year-old children.


There were a number of different answers that were debated by the parents. Some of the different answers that were given include 2, 46 and zero. Some even fought over whether there were people in the train to begin with and if the conductor should be included in the number. The published answer was 65. How did you do?

Via: AWM

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