QUIZ: Even Harvard Students Are Getting This One Wrong. How Much Does The Ball Cost?

Many of us pride ourselves on our mathematical abilities and we may even have loved the subject when we were in school. As you are likely aware, however, maths is not only something that is interesting, it can also be rather frustrating. At times, you may be presented with a maths problem that seems easy on the surface but when you see what is truly going on, it is perhaps one of the more difficult things that may come your way.

This maths problem is one that is fooling many people, even though it is not something that is a trick. It is simple mathematics, but for some reason, many people are getting it wrong. In fact, they gave this question to a group of Harvard students and 50% of them were getting it wrong!

Take a look at the question and consider your answer carefully. Don’t be fooled by the thought that it is too easy and simply go with your first instinct. Actually do the maths, then you can see what the answer is by looking on the following page. Can you get it right? Only time will tell!


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