QUIZ: How Is Your Number Logic? Only 1 Out Of 10 Get This One Right


There are 2 different ways to solve this sequence. Both are valid and they both provide the same answer.

Method 1

Obviously, 32 is the first number, and 32 + 13 is equals 45. Then, you can put together 45 + 15 to get 60, and 60 + 17 is 77.

This is known as a recursive sequence. It takes the former number into account and adds an odd number on top of it.

Method 2

In this method, you would add the numbers together to get the next value.

4 times 8 is 32

5 times 9 is 45

6 times 10 is 60

Put this all together and you’ll realised that as each number in the sequence passes, the first number and the second number both increase by one. Then they’re multiplied to get the final product.

By following this process, you’ll discover that the last equation would be 8 times 12, which is equal to 96!

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