This Wonderful Cat Guards Her Adoptive Mom’s Pregnant Belly

Panda is what many people would consider to be a normal tuxedo cat. She was adopted by Liel and the two of them formed an instant bond that stands the test of time. They went everywhere together, played together and even slept together but then Liel got pregnant.

Like many pets, Panda was certainly interested in the welfare of her mother but something changed when she got pregnant. For the next 9 months, Liel was followed around by Panda and the cat became obsessed with the growing belly. She would lay her head on the belly and snuggle up close as she possibly could.

It was so noticeable that Liel was wondering what would happen when she finally gave birth to her child. Eventually, her son Sean, came into the world but the pictures of the newborn baby went viral for a rather unusual reason.


Scroll down to see how Panda treated the new baby in the household.


Cats are often misunderstood. They are thought of as bringing bad luck and are often thought of as loners.

That is the case for this one cat, named Panda. Her adoptive mother, Liel Ainmar Assayag, is here to put those rumors to rest.


As soon as Liel got pregnant, Panda truly turned loving and attentive.


Liel and Panda were inseparable from the time the cat was adopted. Panda seemed to show her gratefulness for receiving a happy and loving home.


During the time that Liel was pregnant, the bonding grew but now it was more about the growing belly.

Panda was never far away from Liel but her favorite spot was resting her head on Liel’s pregnant belly.


When baby Sean was born, Panda got a little confused but after getting closer, she realized that it was the baby she had been waiting for.

Panda had already kept Sean safe for nine months inside of the belly, and now she does the same for Sean outside.


Panda doesn’t go into the babies crib but she does watch him from nearby.

Every time I put the baby in the crib I can see lots of cat fur all over the bed


Liel believes that dogs and cats are great companions for kids and they can learn a lot from them. She had this to say:

“I saw people giving up on their pets once there is a baby in the family, because they’re afraid the pet will hurt the baby. I wish people will stop doing that!”


Liel hopes that the bond between panda and Sean will inspire others to adopt pets as well.

Via: Little Things

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