15 Pictures Of Husbands Who Finished Shopping Long Before Their Wives Were Ready To Stop

There are two types of people in this world, those who were born to shop and those who would rather avoid it at all costs. I don’t want to establish any gender roles in this article but let’s just say that many of the women in my life love to shop but the men in their lives are not as enthusiastic about the activity. It doesn’t matter if they are doing it as a hobby or if they are on a marathon shopping trip, it seems as if they will spend an exorbitant amount of time at the store and they may not even walk out with any bags.

That leads us to the men in their lives. Yes, it may be a stereotype but we all realize that there is some truth to it as well. Men don’t tend to enjoy shopping, but there are many of them who are good eggs about it. They will follow their wives around, watching them shop and trying their best to look interested when it is appropriate to do so. Every once in awhile, however, they are caught in an un-interested position.

You can see it for yourself on this page. The pictures are from the Miserable Men on Instagram, and it provides an accurate look at what really takes place when the shopping is happening in full measure.

1. The agony of defeat

2. Sometimes you need to sleep

3. Looks like a good place to keep the clothes

4. Misery loves company

5. Stick a fork in him

6. Despair

7. Check for a pulse

8. He knows how to do it

9. They sometimes flock together

10. Even the kid has had enough

11. We don’t all love shoes

12. Just why?

13. Give up already

14. I think he is crying

15. Feel the pain

Source: Awkward Mom