Man Dressed As Janitor Surprises Commuters By Playing A The Piano In Train Station

Many of us have to ride the train on a regular basis and on occasion, I think all of us have to get on a train to make it from one place to another. One of the interesting things about trains is the fact that we have to travel through a train station in order to get on them. When in the train station, we may see things that are quite unusual but most commuters are not going to give them a second glance. After all, they are busy with their own lives and don’t give them much thought.

What would you think if you saw a janitor that was sweeping up at the train station? More than likely, you wouldn’t give it much thought because it is something that you are likely to see on any given day. In December 2018, a janitor was sweeping up at a United Kingdom train station but he was about to do something that surprised everyone who was fortunate enough to be on hand that day.

The piano was sitting in the middle of the train station and nobody was in the seat banging on the keys. The janitor happened to be walking nearby and when he spotted the piano, he looked carefully in both directions and then sat down on the piano bench.

At this point, we realize that he wasn’t really a janitor, he was a concert pianist in disguise!

He decided to play Queens ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’, which is a familiar tune to almost everyone I would guess. People were looking in his direction, curious about who could’ve been playing such a wonderful song on the piano. It wasn’t long before a crowd began to gather.

The crowd was on the border of being both surprised and delighted, but the pianist continued to play Bohemian Rhapsody as they all looked on.

As more people came into the area, they stopped to watch him play and began recording the concert on their phones.

After the song was over, he decided he would stick around to play an additional song. He chose another Queen song: ‘Don’t Stop Me Now’ and he did such a good job of it, people were actually dancing!

People were cheering and clapping when he finished his impromptu performance. He then picked up his broom and started sweeping again.

“Back to sweeping?” one little boy asked at the end of the video, which made the pianist laugh.

A video of the impromptu performance was posted and it went viral quickly. More than 8 million people have watched the video so far and more continue to do so every day.

There are also many hilarious comments that have been left on this YouTube video. Many were saying that other janitors may have been confused about why he was playing the piano.

“Other Janitor: ‘He doesn’t even go here!!!!!!’” one commenter wrote.

There was even a suggestion for a sequel video:

“Now we need a professional staff member disguised as a musician cleaning the floor professionally..”

Professional musicians have surprised a crowd of commuters with impromptu concerts in the past. A pianist by the name of Henri Herbert did something similar in London’s St. Pancras Train Station and ended up doing an entire concert. More than 16 million people have watched that video on YouTube.

A surprise performance was also put on by the UK’s Opera North Orchestra for shoppers who were visiting the mall. They went into the middle of the mall for a performance of Ravel’s Bolero and they absolutely nailed it!

I think all of us enjoy surprises and the surprise performances sure did bring a smile to people’s faces. You can watch the video of the ‘janitor’ and his impromptu concert in the following video:

Source: See it Live