Passengers Share 40 Hilarious Pictures Proving How Daily Life On ‘The Tube’ is Just…Different

No matter where you live, there is a certain quirkiness to the culture of underground transport. It’s unclear why underground commuters tend to see crazier things than most who walk above ground. Could it be because they are underground, a place that attracts oddness? In the U.K, millions of people use underground transit daily to travel from point A to B. Most days are pretty uneventful, but then there are those times when reality seems to go on holiday.

A British Facebook page called “Overheard on The Underground,” features hilarious posts capturing all the bizarre shenanigans that take place on the tube on a daily basis. If you ride the tube long enough, you’ll probably see it all, from a big burly man dressed as Elsa from “Frozen,” to a polar bear strolling down the walkway. There is no shortage of insane stories to be found in the underground. And we’ve gathered 40 hilarious examples of why life in the tube is just plain “different.”


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Image Source: Bored Panda

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  1. “This British Facebook Page Is Sharing 40 Pictures That Prove ‘Random’ Is A Daily Thing On ‘The Tube’” Bored Panda