Amazing Husband Build’s Special Bike to Take Wife with Alzheimer’s on Rides

Growing old together can be stressful for many couples as often health problems can severely impact their relationship. When your spouse is unwell to the point that you’ll need to adjust your lifestyle to take care of them, that’s when the “for better or worse” part of your marital vows is really put to the test!

And for millions of people, Alzheimer’s disease is a condition that can really test the limits of a couple’s love. However, for Florida resident Bill Forward, he was not about to let the disease ruin a marriage he and his wife had spent over 50 years building.

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For over half a century, Bill and Gladys have been nearly inseparable. They loved spending time outdoors while soaking up all the beauty nature has to offer.

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Unfortunately, Gladys’s health soon declined as she could no longer spend time outdoors the way she used to. She began getting worse to the point where she had difficulty moving around on her own and could not walk outside without risking serious injury to herself.

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Despite their determination to carry on no matter what, it hasn’t been easy as Bill has been forced to take on a lot more responsibility to keep his wife in the best condition he can.

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He explained during an interview that it’s necessary for him to do everything for his wife, assisting her from the moment she opens her eyes in the morning until she lays down to sleep for the night.

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While it’s obvious that Bill must be exhausted most of the time, this loving husband says that caring for Gladys is not a burden at all. Instead, he considers it an honor to care for his wife after spending so many wonderful years together.

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“I don’t count it a burden whatsoever, I count it a great privilege to care for this one I have loved all these years,” Bill shared. She’s my princess and I’m her William and I wouldn’t have it any other way,” the husband said.

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However, it still broke Bill’s heart knowing that his wife could no longer enjoy spending time outside, something she truly loves. That’s when he came up with a fantastic idea. Bill built a special bicycle for two that would now make it possible for his wife to enjoy a relaxing bike ride while he did all the peddling.

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He drew up his plans with great care and did not stop working on his invention, inspired by love, until it was perfect.

And sure enough, he succeeded!

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The bike was specially designed so Gladys could sit in the front seat while Bill sat behind her, using his feet to pump its pedals.

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As the two travel down the road, Bill is able to point things out to his beloved while helping brings back some needed cheer in her life.

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Bill’s invention also caught the interest of others with similar issues who could benefit from his bike. And Bill has already begun the process of getting his design ready for mass production and sale! You visit his website for more information.

Image Source: YouTube

Also, if you would like to watch a clip about Bill’s amazing invention, check out the video below.


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  1. “Loving Husband Invents Special Bike So He Can Take His Wife With Alzheimer’s On Rides” Apost.