Sign the Petition to Use Johnny Depp’s Lawyer Camille Vasquez in Aquaman II

A few months ago, there was a petition circulating to remove Amber Heard from her role in the movie, Aquaman 2. It seems as if they want to take things a step further and replace her with Johnny Depp’s attorney.

We’ve all watched from the sidelines as the high profile case between Johnny Depp and Amber Heard continued to entertain us over the past weeks. We have seen some highs and we have certainly seen some lows but one standout from it all is a lawyer for Johnny Depp, Camille Vasquez.

Any Johnny Depp fan was cheering when she was drilling Heard on the stand. She had all the right questions and she knew just how to ask them.

Many who have watched the trial and followed every word don’t want this to be the last time they see Vasquez. In fact, they have taken things to the next level by requesting that she replace Amber Heard in her biggest role.

There is a new petition on that would have Vasquez replacing Heard as Queen Mera in the upcoming autoimmune sequel. Thousands of people have already signed it.

In the petition, it states the obvious that has been in the hearts of any fan of Vasquez: “Although Amber is a ‘credible’ actor and has actually demonstrated it on many occasions, not just in films or ‘perhaps’ on the stand. If Camille is half the actor she is as a lawyer this will be an absolute blockbuster of a film.”

Although this petition has only recently got underway, it isn’t the first petition that is asking for Heard to be removed from the Aquaman sequel. Another petition, also on has more than 4 million signatures and it is poised to be one of the top signed petitions on that website.

The petition mentions that: “Amber Heard has been exposed as a domestic abuser by Johnny Depp.” It then goes on to talk about the domestic abuse that “he suffered at the hands of his (then) wife Amber Heard.”

Perhaps the petition really touches our heart when it says: “Men are victims of domestic abuse, just like women. This must be recognized, and action must be taken to prevent a known abuser from being celebrated within the entertainment industry.”

It then cuts to the heart of the matter, requesting that they “Do the right thing. Remove Amber Heard from Aquaman 2.”

Although it doesn’t appear as if she is going to be removed from the upcoming movie, she did reveal that many of her scenes have been cut. Essentially, she said that they “basically took a bunch out of my role.”

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