A Historic Bridge Is Destroyed Because The Truck Driver Couldn’t Do The Math

It seems like people either love math or hate it but sooner or later, everyone is going to have to use it in their lives. If you paid attention when you were in school, your life will be much easier when that time comes but if you don’t, you may end up regretting it for a rather unusual reason.

In fact, 23-year-old Mae Lambright is probably wishing she had paid more attention in math class. She drove a 30 ton truck onto a six ton rated bridge, which just so happens to be a historic landmark. The end result? The bridge was destroyed.

Lambright told police she knew about the weight limit to the 1880 bridge but she wasn’t sure how many pounds it was. She had driven her personal vehicle over the bridge a number of times and was familiar with the sign, which read “no semis, weight limit 6 tons.”

She had only been driving a big rig for a month and didn’t feel comfortable backing up on the road that led to the bridge. She decided to drive the truck over the bridge, even though it was five times the weight limit.

In the end, Lambright walked away with a $135 fine for reckless operation of a tractor-trailer. Of course, the trucking company is going to have a ton of legal problems.

1. When will I use this stuff?

Lambright’s truck weighed five times the weight limit of the bridge. Too bad she didn’t know that!


2. Learn your math!

After driving a 30 ton truck onto a 6 ton max rated bridge, the Paoli, Indiana landmark has been destroyed.


3. Unfortunate decision

With only a month of experience driving a semi, Lambright wasn’t comfortable backing up on the road leading to the bridge. She made the horrible decision to chance it in her Volvo, and we all know how that ended.


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