Photo Shows a Dying Husband Saying Goodbye to His Wife

We often know people that have a close bond, but Jim and Cindy Mininni truly defined a loving relationship. They were inseparable from the moment that they met each other, and they can hardly stand be a part for even a moment.

That is why it is not surprising that in their final moments together, they would spend time holding each other’s hands as they did when they were both healthy.

It began eight years ago when their love would be put to the test. Jim was diagnosed with lung cancer and his wife was always there with him to support him through chemotherapy. Their son, Chris, always looked up to his mother for the love that she showed.

When the doctors gave Jim a 10% chance of survival, the family didn’t lose hope. Things continued to go downhill and eventually, Jim was moved to a new hospital where he could spend his final days in as much comfort as possible.

During this time, Cindy suffered from a heart attack and was put in a different hospital for treatment. As Jim slowly continued a downward slide, Chris was traveling from one hospital to another and all the while, paying his parent’s rent.

In the final hours of his father’s life, however, something remarkable happened.


Jim and Cindy Mininni’s story started 24 years ago when they fell in love. They dated but then Cindy found out she was pregnant. She was nervous about telling Jim but his reaction was better than she could have ever imagined.


Jim burst into tears of happiness and they started their life together as a family. When Chris was born, Jim finally had what he looked forward to most in life, the role of being both a father and a husband.

As the years went by, Jim’s love for his family grew stronger.


It only took a moment for everything to change. When Jim was diagnosed with lung cancer, he went through one round after another of chemotherapy treatments but the cancer never went into full remission.

Eventually, it became evident that Jim was losing his life.


Chris and his mother were always there to support him, even when Jim was facing death. The two became bonded even closer as they dealt with his father’s cancer.


It seemed as if things were at a low point, but then the unthinkable happened. Jim had been moved to a new hospital to spend his final days and Cindy suffered a heart attack. She was now in a hospital in a different city.

Jim wasn’t going to last much longer and it seemed like he was going to spend his final days apart from the woman he loved.


Jim’s health was declining quickly and, although he was unable to speak due to a tumor that blocked his breathing, he was able to scrawl a single word on a piece of paper.


They had tried before to get Cindy transferred to the same hospital as Jim but it had been denied. The staff gave it their all and were able to reunite these two individuals and put them where they belonged, together.


Cindy was unconscious because of her own health battles but they managed to get her transferred. As Jim slowly slipped off into death, he was holding the hand of the woman who had always been faithfully by his side.

Jim got his final wish, to say goodbye to the mother of his children and the love of his life. He held her in his arms as his own body began to give in.


Cindy was heartbroken when she learned the news of her husband’s death. Thankfully, Chris was able to take some pictures to share with her of the special moment they shared together.

Those pictures continue to be a great source of comfort for her as she continues her own road to recovery.

Via: Little Things

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