These Old Images Reveal How Babies Traveled By Plane In The ’50s

Ask any parent who travels regularly with their children and they will tell you, it can be difficult from time to time. That is especially true when you are traveling by airplane, because you are basically at the mercy of the baby until the plane lands at your destination. Not only is this an issue for the parents, it may even become an issue for everyone else on the flight as well.

As you are about to see, things have not always been quite so difficult for babies on airplanes and in fact, they even got to fly in a first-class experience at one time. These vintage images from British Overseas Airways Corporation show just how much that particular airline was interested in keeping the babies comfortable and happy when they were on a long-distance fight. The used what were known as “skycots” and when you see these images, you might just wonder why they don’t continue to do it.


Via: Bored Panda

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