These Film Etiquette Posters From 1910 Will Take You On A Trip To A Very Different Time

When we go to a film, there are certain things that are expected out of us. We need to be courteous of other people, including not talking loud, using our mobile phones or doing anything that would disturb their having a good time.

As it turns out, film theater etiquette has been a part of going to the films for many years, but things have changed since those early days. During the 1910s, film-goers faced different challenges than what they face today.

As you are about to see, there was specific etiquette associated with going to see a film and these posters help keep people in line.


Many posters wanted you to applaud rather than whistle. Loud whistling was all the rage back then.


This one prohibits loud talking and whistling. The films were silent and you were expected to be silent as well.


Many people wore hats back then, including some big hats.


Hats were also a problem for men


This poster had a bit of humour included to keep people from wearing large hats.


Times have changed, and it’s always fun to take the step back in time to see what things were like.

Via: Little Things

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