Miracle Baby Sends the World a Christmas Card

Brandon and Heather Buell of Orlando, Florida were like any other couple who just found out they were pregnant. They were excited for the possibility of a life together with their new family but then they got some devastating news.

When Heather was 17 months pregnant, the baby was diagnosed with spina bifida but it wasn’t until the baby was one year old that he had an accurate diagnosis of microhydranecephaly. This disorder is an “incomplete brain formation and severe accumulation of fluid in the brain.” That definition is from the US Department of Health and Human Services Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center. When an individual suffers from this disorder, they have “profound developmental delay and severe intellectual disability.”

Upon learning that something was wrong with the baby, it was recommended by the doctors that the pregnancy be aborted. That was their recommendation, even though they did not have a clear understanding of what was wrong. In addition, neither the unborn child nor the mother was in danger or was suffering in any way. The parents decided to give the child a chance for life.

A post was made on September 26, 2015, in which Mr. Buell discusses criticism that he and his wife have received over their choice. Because of their religious stand as Christians, they feel that every baby has a right to live and they would make the necessary sacrifices for the benefit of the child.

Mrs. Buell quit her job when Jaxon was born so that she could provide full-time care for the new baby. Mr. Buell talks about how a coworker set up a GoFundMe page, and in part, it allowed his wife to quit working. Money from that page also pays for medical bills. The Buell’s insurance doesn’t cover trips made to Boston Children’s Hospital, nor does it pay for the care he receives in that hospital.

Dr. Heather Olson has given wonderful care to Jaxon at the Children’s Hospital. 13 months after the birth Jaxon, he is starting to talk. According to the Facebook post:

Jaxon “says ‘Mama,’ and he says ‘Ah Ah’ (Dadda), and ‘Addy’ (Daddy).”

The child is also shown smiling in a Facebook page as well. Jaxon is now being considered a “miracle baby,” because 15 months after he was born, he continues to surpass the initial predictions of the doctors. As a result, the Buell family wished to send a special Merry Christmas to supporters. This picture of Jaxon shows him holding a special note that is sure to touch everyone, especially those who have been following his story.

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