Quotes From Shel Silverstein We Appreciate More As An Adult

Many of us look back at our childhood and feel as if they were truly the best days of our lives. Although we may certainly be stressed out over a wide variety of situations, we are also under a considerable amount of stress when we were children as well. Between our parents, teachers, books and music, it was all trying to teach us about life and was bombarding us with information overload.

We took in that information when we were younger but far too often, it isn’t until we hit our older years that we truly understand what we were learning. The information that we learn when we were younger sunk in but it typically was lost in the commotion. That is especially true of Shel Silverstein’s Where the Sidewalk Ends, and when you revisit it, you will wonder how you ever missed the point.


Here are a few for your consideration.

1. Losing Pieces

Talked my head off
Worked my tail off
Cried my eyes out
Walked my feet off
Sang my heart out
So you see,
There’s really not much left of me.

When we are an adult, we may feel as if we are losing a little bit of ourselves every day. When we keep in mind that tomorrow is a day to start over, it makes us believe in life again.

2. Masks

She had blue skin
And so did he.
He kept it hid
And so did she.
They searched for blue
Their whole life through.
Then passed right by –
And never knew.

All of us have a fear of what others think of us and more than likely, we forget that others are feeling the same way. We tend to put on a mask and search for sincerity but when we look, it was in front of us all along.

3. Batty

The baby bat
Screamed out in fright,
“Turn on the dark,
I’m afraid of the light.”

It can be frightening to be in a new environment, and it doesn’t matter if we are young or old. When we are able to overcome those challenges and spread our wings, we often fly higher than we ever realised.

4. The voice

There is a voice inside of you
That whispers all day long.
“I feel that this is right for me.
I know that this is wrong.”
No teacher, preacher, parent, friend
Or wise man can decide
What’s right for you -just listen to
The voice that speaks inside.

This may just be the most important reminder of them all. When we are children, we are often warned of peer pressure and it can have an effect on even the smallest decisions we make. Always remind yourself that you are the one in charge and no one can take it from you.

5. Underface

Underneath my outside face
There’s a face that none can see.
A little less smiley,
A little less sure,
But a whole lot more like me.

We often smile just to get through the day and give kind greetings to others. When somebody asked us how we are doing, we don’t often truly open up and give an honest answer.

6. Hinges

If we had hinges on our heads
There wouldn’t be no sin
‘Cause we could take the bad stuff out
And leave the good stuff in.

It would be nice if we all came with a hinge on our head. We often try to be the best that we can be and to make sure we fill our head with only good things. That doesn’t erase what is bad, however, but we can have control over the thoughts that go in.

Via: Inspire More

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